I stand corrected...only my sister and sweet friend Kate would tag me! LOL
Ok, Kate! I'll do it...even with a smile. hehe! I just can't promise that I'll tag 7 more people, you already took Heather, Dee, Regan, and Kim on me! LOL
Now, I'm still new at this blogging thing, and I can't figure out how to get the rules posted here...but I think that's ok, 'cause the rules say I have to tag 7 people...and we don't need that here right? LOL
I've been tagged to post 7 random things about me....
Here goes
1. I took a martial arts in high school and loved it, but dropped out just after my dad had a heart attack, because it was on the same night as my mom's bible study, and I was too worried about my daddy to leave him home alone on Thursday's.
2. I have more animals than I do children! 3 cats and 3 kids...but the 1 dog puts the animals ahead..and Rob and i have no intentions of changing this ratio anytime in the near future! LOL
3. I sleep (or rather lay down in bed all night) with my now almost 18 month old ON TOP of me, because that's the only way she will sleep...since she was 3 months old!! Hence my blog title.
4. I've learned that my blog title isn't enirely correct though, as i've been sick for nearly 3 weeks now. Thankfully I've been on the mend since Tuesday though...it's just taking longer than i'd hoped to recuperate.
5. Reading is my favourite way to spend alone time...unless of course I'm scrapbooking or making cards!
6. One of my favourite ways to spend time with my kids is in the kitchen. They all love to help me bake/cook, and i'm so grateful for that! When DH and I met, he could barely make a PB&J sandwich, so I'm relieved to know that my 4 and 6 year olds can already do that with confidence...someday they'll be making my dinner...and when they leave home, they'll never go hungry!
7. One of my favourite times of day is 'tea time' with Sarah. She's not even 18 mos. yet, and she LOVES to have tea parties. Seriously, i don't add sugar or sweetner for her, only rarely do I add a drop of honey, just cream in her tea and she's in heaven...and before you tell me she never sleeps from the caffeine rush from the tea, it's always decaf, and/or herbal. :0) She's just priceless drinking her tea!!
There you go, Seven random things about me! :0)
Now, Eileen, it's my turn to TAG YOU!!! YOU'RE IT!!